**Only Available in Stores** 

Nighttime Recovery Aid


You only have 24 hours a day. The hours spent asleep are as important, if not more important than those spent awake. Night T will maximize your night hours. It will help reduce stress levels in your body, increase natural growth hormone levels, and ensure better, natural sleep. All to help you effectively recover from the effort you put forth and ensure optimum output the next day!
  • Promote Deep, Healthy Sleep
  • Speed Up Recovery Time
  • Elevate Testosterone Production

Advanced Somnolent Testosterone Modulator

Sleep is a key part of your training program. Not only is adequate sleep important for proper recovery, muscle repair, and development; it’s also essential for testosterone and growth hormone production, and for modulating insulin sensitivity.

Studies show that lack of sleep decreases testosterone levels by nearly 50%. We understand getting extra sleep isn’t as easy as sleeping more hours. Quality sleep is what counts. With the added stress from work, training, and life – along with the technology trap of 24-hour entertainment and endless information access from TV, the internet and mobile devices – getting away from it all to actually unwind, relax, and get some sleep is really tough!

Night-T™ delivers a synergistic blend of herbs containing key neurotransmitters that promote sleep and is specifically formulated to help you fall asleep, enhance your sleep quality, and keep you in a deeper R.E.M. sleep; allowing your body to better heal and repair itself while reaping maximum benefits of overnight GH release and testosterone production.

The ingredients of Night-T are targeted to elevate testosterone production, along with overnight release of growth hormone (GH) and IGF-1 while you sleep. The ingredients of Night-T have been shown to directly impact GH levels by increasing them up to 157% and inhibiting the production of somatostatin; the hormone that inhibits growth hormone. By effectively blocking this hormone, dramatic increases in GH can be seen.

Defeat sleep fatigue and get maximum results by elevating testosterone and growth hormone production with Night-T.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Take two (2) to three (3) capsules with 16-20oz of water about 45 minutes before you want to fall asleep. Be sure to take when you have at least eight (8) hours to devote to restful sleep.


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